About Us Tenders

Procurement Of Engine, Transmission & Torque-Converter For KOMATSU WD600-3 Wheel Dozer

Posted on: October 15, 2021 | Back | Print

For bidding online, the bidders must possess Class-II or Class-III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued from any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of India and which can be traced up to the chain of trust to the Root Certificate of CCA.

The tender document is attached for further information and instructions to bidders, it is also available for download on website https://eprocure.gov.in and CCL website www.centralcoalfields.in

There will be no sale/distribution of Hard Copy of the Tender Document.

All bids are to be submitted online on e-Procurement Portal of Coal India Limited website https://coalindiatenders.nic.in.

Before starting the bidding process, bidders are advised to carefully read ‘Instructions to the Contractors/Bidders for the e-submission of the bids online through this e-Procurement Portal’ i.e. https://coalindiatenders.nic.in available under the link ‘Help for Bidders’ and any other guidelines available at bidding portal https://coalindiatenders.nic.in.

Tender Document
