About Us OCI Services

Press Release OCI Guidelines

How to apply:

Fill up online application athttps://passport.gov.in/oci/

While filling up the OCI application online the surname and given name should be completely written as appearing in your foreign Passport. However, applicants may ensure that they submit each application with related documents separately and not collectively for the whole family. After doing so, a hard copy is required to be submitted to the Embassy, so please download the application registered by you on-line. (When you click print on it, the complete form with instructions for submitting the hard copy to the Embassy will be printed. Please fill in pages 2 & 3 in ink and submit them to the Embassy with the required enclosures.)

OCI applications can be presented personally during consular hours on working days (0900 - 1200 hrs) at the Embassy or sent by registered post.

Required Documents

  1. Copy of Icelandic passport (self attested)
  2. Copy of Indian passport (self attested)
  3. Address proof - a copy of your utility bill, bank statement etc., company letter confirming the address)
  4. Two Photographs on light background (not white). Click on link for specifications of photo - https://ociservices.gov.in/Photo-Spec-FINAL.pdf
  5. Fees are to be paid by Bank Transfer in Embassy's bank account. Bank account information will be given after submission of all documents. Debit cards, Credit cards, cheques, cash, or payments in other currencies, are not acceptable.

Renunciation of Indian Citizenship

If the applicant has not already surrendered his/her Indian passport after acquiring nationality of another country, he/she will have to first submit anapplicationfor a Passport Surrender Certificate. For details of documents required, and the prescribed fee seeSurrender of Passportunder Passport Services-Miscellaneous Services on Passport. All copies of documents submitted along with the application for surrender of passport need to be self-attested.

As per the citizenship rules 2009 of Government of India, Indian nationals living abroad who intend to acquire a foreign citizenship are required to renounce their Indian citizenship.Government of India does not permit dual nationality to Indian citizens. This requirement is necessary to process applications for OCI cards by persons of Indian origin who have acquired citizenship of another country.

As per the new guidelines received from Ministry of Home Affairs, India, the procedure of Renunciation has been amended with immediate effect.

Application forms for Renunciation,Form XXII.(In Form XXII, a witness needs to vouch for the correctness of the details of the Applicant. It is mentioned on the form where the witness will vouch.

The Spouse of the applicant will not be considered as a witness.Every applicant (including minors) must fill separate application and pay separate fee including minors. Every application is considered as separate application and should include all the above-mentioned documents. Any application without complete documents will not be accepted.

In case a child who cannot sign or write his/her name, parents can sign on their behalf or they can put their thumb impression. (Left Thumb for male and right thumb for female minor applicant)

Processing time:Please note that the renunciation will be done within three working days if all the documents are found to be correct.

The OCI application will only be accepted once the Indian passport is renounced/ cancelled.

Both the applications (Renunciation & OCI) cannot be accepted at the same time. At the time of collection of Renunciation certificate also, the OCI application will not be accepted as you need to upload the cancelled Indian passport copy online before submitting the OCI application.

After renunciation, you will be given back your cancelled passport and along with a computer-generated renunciation certificate.