9th International Day of Yoga
21st June 2023
The 9th "International Day of Yoga" (IDY) was celebrated by the Embassy of India, Reykjavik on 18th and 21st June 2023 at Tjarnarsalur Radhuss Reykjavikur (Reykjavik City Hall) and Botanical Gardens respectively. The Yoga day celebration was conducted by India based yoga teacher from ICCR in partnership with Art of Living Reykjavik and Moar Studios. The yoga teacher led the Common Yoga Protocol. The explanation accompanying Yoga and the health benefits of each pose with contra-indications was liked and appreciated by all. There was a marked increase in the number of participants for the events this year. The participants included Indian community members, Icelandic nationals, Ambassadors of other missions (Chinese, Japanese and Faroes Ambassadors), Yoga and meditation teachers from yoga studios in Iceland, visitors and tourists who were present at the venue during the event.
2. The event began with a brief introduction about Yoga from the yoga teacher. It was followed by a screening of a video message from the Hon'bl Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. After the message H.E. Ambassador B Shyam addressed the gathering and spoke about the importance of Yoga . He also invited Dr Girish Hirlekar to share his knowledge about the benefits of this ancient practice . The event started with the Common Yoga Protocol led by the yoga teacher and followed by all. The yoga session was concluded with a meditation by Alana ( teacher of meditation and yoga in Iceland) and reciting of the Shanti Mantras. An exhibition on Millets and its health benefits was also organised in the city hall alongside the IDY event. After the event healthy snacks and juices were provided for the guests and participants.
3. To popularise Yoga for daily life as part of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, a number of outreach events were conducted in a 100-day runup leading to the IDY. A total of 500 people participated in all the events conducted throughout June. This is a large turnout considering the relatively small Icelandic society. The events raised interest amongst the local population towards the practice of Yoga, meditation and holistic living. Other than the two main events the mission organized various other Common Yoga Protocol events (CYP) as a precursor to IDY at the following locations:
S no.
June 2
Listasafn Reykjavíkur - Hafnarhús
June 5
Bókasafn Hafnarfjarðar (Library)
June 7
Bókasafn Garðabæjar (Library)
June 9
Bókasafn Seltjarnarness (Library)
June 11
Borgarbokasafnid Grofinni
June 12
June 13
Reykjavik University
June 14
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Háskólabókasafn
June 19
Spöngin City Library
Botanical Garden

Reykjavik City Hall